Thursday, March 15, 2012

Elements of Communication Process

Elements of Communication Process:

We know that Communication is a systematic process. A message is sent from one entity to another and a feed back is given at the other end. There are certain important components of this systematic process of Communication which are mentioned below:

1- Context: The context is a broad field which encompasses the meaning or reason of a message and it is depended on factors like conventions of a country, culture, company or organization. In order to communicate a message successfully one must plan and design on the playing field of Context. Two aspects of context are: internal stimuli and external stimuli.

The internal stimuli are what influences on how an encoder translates ideas into a proper message. When an encoder composes a message to send it, his personal experiences, attitude, opinions, emotions, education, and job status etc; everything influences the style and language of the message.

The external stimulus is that which prompts an encoder to send a message. The sources for this prompt may be a letter, memo, note, e-mail, fax, telephone call etc.

2- Sender-Encoder: the person who sends or encodes the message is called the Sender-Encoder. The Encoder can communicate through oral, written, symbolic content or using pictures and graphics.

3- Message: the Message is the core-idea or subject-matter or body content in communication which exists in the mind of the encoder in form of facts, information or ideas etc, and is interpreted by the decoder. The message might be composed of verbal, Para-verbal or non-verbal symbols.

4- Medium or Channel: Medium or Channel is the media through which a message is communicated. Medium is what serves as a source for external stimulus prompting a message in certain context. Like context, the choice of medium is influenced by the relationship existing between the Sender and Receiver. The urgency of message also impacts the choice of medium. Normally the channel is concerned with our senses and faculties like hearing and watching and in some cases smelling or tasting or feeling. The medium is either oral or written.

5- Receiver-Decoder: the Decoder or Receiver is the person who receives and interprets the message. The decoder can be a viewer, listener or reader depending on the nature of medium. The Receiver is influenced by Context in which the message is composed and sent and by his/her mental-filter or experiences and thought.

6- Feedback: When the Decoder-Receiver receives a message he/she responds to it. This response tells the Encoder-Sender about the reaction of the sent message. This whole process of reacting in acknowledgement of a message is called Feedback. The Feedback can be an oral or written response, an action, a facial expression and even silence. The Sender needs Feedback to determine the success or failure of a Communication.


1 comment:

  1. Great Communication skills will give you a competitive edge. Very effective tips. Thanks for share with us!!!
