Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Teach Yourself English Grammar


1.Practice your spelling. Proper spelling assists in the mastery of subject-verb agreement, a foundation of the English language. Homophones are one example of how the spelling of the word not only dictates the proper subject-verb agreement, but also what part of speech the word is. For example, the word "there" can be a noun, pronoun, adverb or adjective. The word "their" is simply a pronoun.

2.Begin writing sentences with varying structures. When you begin learning English, your understanding is enhanced through writing. At the onset of your learning process, even simple sentences of a few words with a subject and a verb are sufficient in helping you understand the mechanics of writing in English. Once your understanding advances, so should the types of sentences you write. The better you understand English, the longer and more sophisticated your sentences will become.

3.Read different types of materials for comprehension. Dick and Jane-style writing is where most English language learners begin reading. How fast you progress in the level of reading material you can easily comprehend is helped by a couple of factors. One is reading the types of materials you enjoy, not limited to the genre of literature you prefer, such as poetry and short stories. Another factor is reading the type of printed materials If you prefer,such as magazines, which also vary in level of difficulty .

4.Perfect your public speaking. Every day brings new opportunities for you to publicly practice your speaking skills. The grocery store, laundromat, bus stop, school and church are all places where you can strike up a conversation. Be sure to enunciate each word clearly and at a volume appropriate to the setting. If you are shy about speaking publicly or approaching strangers with conversation, keep it simple with basic greetings that you can change to fit the situation.

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